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Category: Latest News

National Award for Pastoral Care

We are the winners!   The school’s focus on wellbeing was recognised with a national award this week at the first online award ceremony for the National Association of Pastoral Care in Education. The school was nominated in the Pastoral Development of the Year category.   The Harmony Project, which saw a group of Year 10 students working with Pastoral Leader, Anneliese Walker on a project involving lantern making at Number 6 studio gallery in Pateley Bridge and Llama trekking with Nidderdale Llamas was recognised as a unique and innovative way of supporting young people.   The aims of the project were to enable young people to experience the enjoyment…


Year 6 – Congratulations on your place at Nidderdale High School Dear Year 6 students We are delighted to hear that you will be coming to Nidderdale High School in September and we are really looking forward to you joining us. Moving to Secondary School can be a really exciting time but it can also make you feel a bit nervous! We want to make your transition to Nidderdale High School as happy and worry free as possible. Click here to see a powerpoint made for you by current Year 11 students. Click here to see our Transitions booklet with…

Nutritious School Meals

Nutritious School Meals School Catering … not just Nutritious School Meals Nidderdale recognises the important contribution that nutritious school meals make to students’ health and learning.  School meals are an essential part of lunchtimes.  We aim for all students to be able to eat in school with their friends and to enjoy their social time in a modern, pleasant environment. Food at Nidderdale is all prepared on site from fresh local produce by our Catering Manager (Mrs Kate Naylor) and team (Mrs D Clark, Mrs T Tinsley, Ms Whelan and Mrs Gillingham). England now has the most stringent school food…

Online Safety – Useful Information for Parents

Online Safety – Useful Information for Parents Parents/Carers play a crucial role in ensuring that their children understand the need to use the Internet/mobile devices in an appropriate way. However, research shows that many parents and carers do not fully understand the issues and are less experienced in the use of ICT than their children and schools should take opportunities to help parents understand these issues. The information in the table below is to support parents/carers in protecting their children and ensuring they stay safe on line. NSPCC online safety Provides helpful advice and tools that a parent/carer can use…

Parent Zone and CEOP

Parent Zone and CEOP Parent Info is a website service for schools.  On this website you’ll find a collection of useful articles, tips, expert advice and resources designed to help parents keep up with what their children are doing on-line.  Parent Info is a collaboration of Parent Zone , (which has been providing information and support to parents for a decade), and CEOP, the Child Exploitation and Online Protection command of the National Crime Agency.  The articles are available at:

Attendance target 95.5%

Attendance target 95.5% We encourage and reward good attendance.  Every student’s good attendance is vital as it has a clear link with progress, attainment and more positive life changes. Students must come to school every day they are not ill. Students who attend less than 90% (the equivalent of one day off school per fortnight) are classed as Persistent Absentees.  It has been shown statistically that students with only 90% attendance may achieve at least one grade below expectation in all their GCSE subjects. Over a period of five school years, a student with only 90% attendance will have missed…

This is a Good School

This is a Good School Good News for Nidderdale Nidderdale High School is celebrating success with the publication of their most recent Ofsted inspection findings (October 2017). The school was once again judged to be good and getting even better. Leadership, Teaching, Behaviour, Personal Development and Progress were all singled out for praise in the report published recently. Head of School, Kath Jordan said, “I am delighted that all areas of school have been judged good and that our continued commitment to excellence is recognised not just through our impressive GCSE outcomes for our students but also through Ofsted’s recognition…