Online Safety - Useful Information for Parents
Parents/Carers play a crucial role in ensuring that their children understand the need to use the Internet/mobile devices in an appropriate way.
However, research shows that many parents and carers do not fully understand the issues and are less experienced in the use of ICT than their children and schools should take opportunities to help parents understand these issues.
The information in the table below is to support parents/carers in protecting their children and ensuring they stay safe on line.
NSPCC online safety | Provides helpful advice and tools that a parent/carer can use to help keep their child safe whenever and wherever they go online.
a. Has material and information for use with young children as well as older children b. Key advice for parents / carers c. Information on a range of social media sites and games |
Thinkuknow | Provides helpful advice and tools that a parent/carer can use to help keep their child safe online.
They have downloadable guides for parents/ carers on various social media sites like: Instagram, Whatsapp, youtube etc They also have some useful films for parents to watch about the risks online and four specific films about sexting / ‘self nudies’ and how to talk to their children about this issue and what to do if this happens. |
Childnet The whole website can be read in a variety of languages. |
A range of information to support parents/ carers keep their children on safe including:
a. Parents: Supporting Young People Online (Leaflets in a variety of languages) b. Key advice for parents / carers c. Conversation starters to enable parents /carers to talk to their children d. How to set parental controls on a range of devices e. Gaming |
Safer internet | Very specific advice, films and signposting to ensure parents/ carers have the information about how to set up parental controls on a range of devices and their home internet. |
North Yorkshire Local Children Safeguarding Board (LCSB) | In partnership with other agencies the LSCB have developed an information leaflet containing practical advice about how parents/ carers can support their children stay safe online. |
Parents and Carers should also be aware of the health effects of children and young people having too much ‘screen time’. This can limit the amount of time children are being physically active, reduce the amount of time they are sleeping and could be impacting on their eyesight. A number of systems and apps are available that can limit the screen time for children and young people alongside parents and carers talking to their children about the issues.