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Author: sictadmin


Year 6 – Congratulations on your place at Nidderdale High School Dear Year 6 students We are delighted to hear that you will be coming to Nidderdale High School in September and we are really looking forward to you joining us. Moving to Secondary School can be a really exciting time but it can also make you feel a bit nervous! We want to make your transition to Nidderdale High School as happy and worry free as possible. Click here to see a powerpoint made for you by current Year 11 students. Click here to see our Transitions booklet with…

Nutritious School Meals

Nutritious School Meals School Catering … not just Nutritious School Meals Nidderdale recognises the important contribution that nutritious school meals make to students’ health and learning.  School meals are an essential part of lunchtimes.  We aim for all students to be able to eat in school with their friends and to enjoy their social time in a modern, pleasant environment. Food at Nidderdale is all prepared on site from fresh local produce by our Catering Manager (Mrs Kate Naylor) and team (Mrs D Clark, Mrs T Tinsley, Ms Whelan and Mrs Gillingham). England now has the most stringent school food…

Bad Weather arrangements – Winter 2023

29th November 2023   Dear Parent /Carers Firstly, whatever the weather conditions, please assume that the school will be open as normal. If the school cannot open for any reason, registered parents/carers will be informed by School Comms text message and email as soon as possible.  Greatest Hits Radio Harrogate and the Dales (97.2 FM) will also place the information on their website. With variations in weather forecasts and contrasting road conditions across our large catchment area, it will always be difficult to choose the right moment to close the school.  We therefore cannot guarantee that such a decision can…

School Gateway Payments

School Gateway.  Click the link below to go to School Gateway to make payments for school trips.  This link is also used for Cashless Catering payments for school meals – minimum top up is £10. For more details or in the event of any problems with payments please contact the school office on 01423 711246. The link to School Gateway has also been placed on the home page of this website on the bottom right hand side.

Additional Support for Students

Flexible Learning Zone (FLZ)  The FLZ is staffed by our Key Stage 4 Learning Manager and subject teachers. required. The FLZ as the name suggests is a highly adaptable learning environment that mainly supports students from year 9,10 and 11 whose progress and eventual outcomes have become vulnerable and a more intensive and personalised approach is required. Students who attend the FLZ have either been dis-applied from a particular subject area for social and emotional or academic reasons. When a student is referred to the FLZ and their timetable is changed this is done in full consultation with parents. The…

British values – Tackling Extremism and Radicalisation

The Department of Education have recently reinforced the need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.” The Government set out its definition of British values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy, and these values have been reiterated by the Prime Minister.  At Nidderdale High School, these values are reinforced regularly and in the following ways: Democracy Students are actively encouraged to have a voice and share their views and opinions regularly. All…

Safeguarding our students

SAFEGUARDING STUDENTS  Nidderdale High School is fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of all students. The school’s designated Safeguarding lead is Anneliese Walker, Senior Pastoral Officer and the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Kath Jordan, Headteacher. In school through the curriculum and through drop down days students develop the skills which they will need to be confident and stay safe in a range of situations, as well as to manage risk effectively, both in school and in the wider world. Vulnerable young people and their families are supported through a commitment to multi-agency, family-centred work, with school staff playing a…

Free School Meals

If you believe you may be eligible for financial assistance with school meals for your child you should complete the attached form and send it to The Welfare Team, CYPS, Jesmond House, 31/33 Victoria Avenue, Harrogate, HG1 5QE.  Your child might be able to get free school meals if you get any of the following: ·         Income Support ·         income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance ·         income-related Employment and Support Allowance ·         support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 ·         the guaranteed element of Pension Credit ·         Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and…

Supporting Students with Medical Conditions

We are an inclusive community and welcome students with medical conditions.  We support them to access as much of the curriculum to as they are able and provide all students with medical conditions the same opportunities as others at school.  Parents/ carers are asked to tell us about student’s medical conditions as soon as possible so that we can begin to support them. We know that certain medical conditions are serious and potentially life threatening  if poorly managed or misunderstood and therefore understand the importance of medication being given as instructed by healthcare professionals and parents. The student, their parents/carers, health care professionals…

Online Safety – Useful Information for Parents

Online Safety – Useful Information for Parents Parents/Carers play a crucial role in ensuring that their children understand the need to use the Internet/mobile devices in an appropriate way. However, research shows that many parents and carers do not fully understand the issues and are less experienced in the use of ICT than their children and schools should take opportunities to help parents understand these issues. The information in the table below is to support parents/carers in protecting their children and ensuring they stay safe on line. NSPCC online safety Provides helpful advice and tools that a parent/carer can use…